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Dr. Alan R. and Myrna J. Petersen Tubbs Family Endowment Fund
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Al and Myrna Tubbs believe that education holds the greatest potential for employment opportunities, improving quality of life, and elevating the middle class. While Al and Myrna both are college graduates, they understand that a four year degree is not for everyone. Specialized technical, trade or skills training can often times be the key to job opportunities and a rewarding career. That’s why they established a scholarship endowment for a Central Community High School graduate to earn a two year degree in a specialized skill or trade through one the Eastern Iowa Community College centers.
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P.O. Box 225 DeWitt, Iowa 52742Success Story
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Fund Name
Dr. Alan R. and Myrna J. Petersen Tubbs Family Endowment Fund
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Dr. Alan R. and Myrna J. Petersen Tubbs Family Endowment Fund