An initiative of the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque
Community Heart & Soul®

We provide the right tools to enhance rural vitality.
Our innovative community development model empowers rural residents to own the trajectory of their hometowns and drive decisions that improve the quality of life based on what matters most to them.
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Featured Video
A Strong Future for Bellevue
A big part of the Heart & Soul process is involving historically under-represented voices in community planning. Learn how one Iowa town brought local teens to the table.
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events at this time.
"I already knew that there was a lot of community pride. What Community Heart & Soul did was to kind of quantify that and narrow down what exactly is it that makes people proud of our community."

Spreading the Love for Community
We have brought the Heart & Soul process to nine communities across Iowa and Illinois.

Bring Heart & Soul to Your Town
We work with leaders across the Dubuque region — and all of Iowa — to facilitate this innovative process in their communities.
Featured Opportunity
Small Towns, Big Assets
The Heart & Soul process is driven by small-town residents, who are are leaders with the ingenuity, expertise and drive to build strong, vibrant communities.
Learn how your town can be a Heart & Soul town!
"The biggest thing Community Heart & Soul® brought to Bellevue was the opportunity for people to constructively share their opinions and share their stories of why they are here, why they stay, and what they want to see Bellevue be in the future."

Our Commitment to Rural Communities
Small towns are full of passionate people who want to roll up their sleeves and help their communities thrive — we provide the tools so they can build strong futures.
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