An initiative of the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque

Women’s Giving Circle

Here for you. Kaley Rigdon Burgmeier Philanthropy Specialist 563-588-2700

Together, We Share | We Build | We Give

The Women’s Giving Circle improves the lives of women and children in our community, now and for future generations. We share in the joy of giving by creating an ethic of living generously — together.

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Our Stories

Stay up to date with the latest news and relevant information about this initiative.

Becoming A Member

Be as engaged as your schedule allows and in ways that are meaningful to you.

Participate in the grantmaking process: Review grant applications and make funding decisions.

Enjoy events and meet others with a shared vision of improving the lives of women and children.

Make a greater impact with your giving through resources pooled in the Women’s Giving Circle Endowment.

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Upcoming Events

Gwen Kirchhof Former Executive Director, Almost Home’s Open Closet Program

Our Impact

Outcomes since 2006


grants awarded


granted to nonprofits


active members


in endowed funds


Be Part of the Change

Each member represents a link in an ever-growing chain that enables us to do collectively what no one could achieve individually.

Featured Opportunity

Become A Member

We invite all to join us at any giving level. Typically, members give a gift of $250 per year. These gifts are invested into both our non-endowed and endowed funds. Our non-endowed fund receives $25 of each gift to support the ongoing operations of the group while the rest of each gift is invested into our endowment which ensures support for local organizations serving women and children — forever.

Members are also recognized at the following levels: 

Founding Member: initially contributed $1,000 to create our endowment and continues to give annually 

Sustaining Member: has gifted at least of $1,000 over time and continues to give annually

Jeanne Lauritsen Founding Women’s Giving Circle Member

Our Commitment

We collaborate to understand the needs of women and children in our region and provide grants that empower women in challenging situations to improve their lives and the lives of their children.

Give Now