An Affiliate of the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque

Dyersville Area Community Foundation

Professional portrait of a young woman in business attire
Here for you. Michelle Grover Executive Director, Dyersville Area Community Foundation 319-269-6432‬
1100 16th Ave Ct SE, Dyersville, IA 52040

Ensuring a strong future for the Dyersville area.

We bring people together to strengthen communities and improve quality of life for all who live in Dyersville, Earlville, Farley, Luxemburg, New Vienna, Petersburg, and Worthington.

Our Stories

Stay up to date with the latest news and relevant information from the Dyersville Area Community Foundation.

Featured Testimonial

Investing in the Future

"I established the Jeanne M. Coppola Endowment for Education to help benefit education in the future. The fund helps teachers meet immediate needs they see in their classrooms daily: books for students who don’t have many at home, an alarm clock for a child who gets ready for school on their own in the morning, or lunch money for someone whose parents can’t cover the cost of school meals.

The Foundation provides many avenues for giving back, and I encourage others to get involved." - Jeanne Coppola

Read more. 

Strong Nonprofits

Helping You Achieve Your Mission

In addition to our annual grant making, we support area nonprofits through:

  • Trainings such as Board Boot Camp
  • Fundraising opportunities like Great Give Day, which raised $7,500 for participating Dyersville area nonprofits in 2021
  • Tools to help strengthen boards

Learn more.


Our Grants for Nonprofits

Dyersville Area Community Foundation Grants

Grant Details / Apply
CT scanner

Grant Highlight

Improving Health Outcomes

A Community Foundation grant supported the purchase of a CT scanner at MercyOne Dyersville.“Having a CT scanner will enable us to expedite diagnosis and treatment, improving outcomes for our patients and saving lives,” said Liz Heins, director of MercyOne Dyersville Foundation. Read more. 

Professional Advisors

Passing down prosperity

We work with professional advisors, individuals and families to improve quality of life and secure our region’s strong future.

$923 Million

Expected to transfer from one generation to the next in Dubuque County probate over the next decade.

$46 Million

Secured forever if just 5% of the expected transfer is invested in an endowment.

$55 Million

Could be available over 20 years for community projects and priorities.

Learn about transfer of wealth in our area.

We are your partner in helping your clients support the causes they care about most while leveraging maximum tax benefits.

Visit our professional advisor center.


Our Family of Funds

Our funds were created by community leaders like you, with local roots and a vision for a stronger Dyersville area.

Make an Impact in Your Community

When people get involved in their communities, their communities change for the better. That’s why we need you to be part of the Dyersville Area Community Foundation.

Give Now

Board of Directors

Our board works to help us achieve our mission of improving quality of life in the Dyersville area.

  • Nancy Dunkel
  • Mike English
  • Carrie Koelker
  • Lisa Maiers
  • Jeremy Olberding
  • Dave Schroeder
  • Jeff Simon
  • Mary Ungs-Sogaard
  • Sheila Tegeler
  • Karla Thompson
  • Elliot Salter
  • Shirley Olberding