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Foundation of Cornerstone Communities Endowment

At a Glance

  • Building a Healthy & Vibrant Today
  • Supporting Initiatives & Programs
  • Growing Recreational & Social Activities

About Us

The Foundation of Cornerstone Communities supports initiatives and programs that directly impact the everyday health and vitality of residents of all ages in the region served by Guttenberg Municipal Hospital & Clinics, including the Cornerstone Family Practice clinic communities of Guttenberg, Garnavillo and Edgewood. Our rural communities, like most, are shrinking. The future of healthcare in the region we serve will be driven by growing our population in the decades to come. We believe the most effective way to grow our population tomorrow is to build healthy, vibrant communities today. The Foundation of Cornerstone Communities seeks out relationships with community leaders in the region and provides grants to partner organizations that undertake bold new steps to: - Strengthen and grow recreational and social activities which support everyday health and vitality of residents - Drive community efforts to support local entrepreneurs - Celebrate and enhance the historic and authentic character and sense of our communities, such as revitalizing signature structures


The Foundation of Cornerstone Communities supports initiatives and programs that directly impact the everyday health and vitality of residents of all ages in the region served by Guttenberg Municipal Hospital & Clinics.

Basic Information




200 Main Street PO Box 550 Guttenberg, IA 52052


Michele Von Handorf

Director Email

Success Story

The FCC has provided $65,000 in grants to seven local communities, Guttenberg, Garnavillo, Elkader, Colesburg, Edgewood, Luxemberg, and North Buena Vista. Our goal for 2024 is to start providing Community Impact Grants of $10,000 to partner with local nonprofits to make dreams soar.

Fund Details

Fund Name

Foundation of Cornerstone Communities Endowment

Year Founded


Here for you. Molly Moser Affiliate Engagement Manager 563-588-2700

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Foundation of Cornerstone Communities Endowment