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Osborne Partners for Education Endowment

At a Glance

  • Osborne delivered 640 environmental education presentations in 2023.
  • 75% of Environmental Ed. participants were youth.
  • 77 volunteers contributed over 1,391 hours of their time.

About Us

The Osborne Partners for Education Endowment Fund was started by Susi Nehls and Roy Blair in memory of Susis father, Dr. Joe Hickey. Dr. Hickeys research led to the legislation that protected birds of prey like the bald eagle. Dr. Hickeys passion for teaching others about the natural world was sparked early by adults who introduced him to the wonders of nature.


As part of its overall mission, the Clayton County Conservation Board encourages appreciation and responsible use of our natural resources and cultural heritage. The Board manages over 25 natural areas in Clayton County.

Basic Information




29862 Osborne Road Elkader, IA 52043


Jenna K. Pollock

Success Story

The educational programs that are hosted at Osborne Nature Center open doors to new learning opportunities that cannot be taught in a traditional classroom. Each year Osborne welcomes many field trips from area schools to the facility for a variety of programs including nature hikes, guided tours through the native animal exhibit, nature scavenger hunts, and many other hands-on learning opportunities. In 2023 Clayton County Conservation gave 640 environmental education presentations to 6,812 youth participants!

Fund Details

Fund Name

Osborne Partners for Education Endowment

Year Founded


Here for you. Molly Moser Affiliate Engagement Manager 563-588-2700

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Osborne Partners for Education Endowment