The Anamosa Community Foundation:  Giving back to the community

In 2004, eight Anamosa couples discussed the need for a permanent source of funding for the special needs of their community. Those coffee-table discussions prompted them to pool their resources to form the Anamosa Community Foundation.

“Many of us have children who live outside of the state,” says board member Charlene George. “When they leave this community, the dollars they would have earned locally leave with them. We decided that we needed to do something to keep our resources here in Anamosa.”

Ten years later, the Anamosa Community Foundation joined the Jones County Community Foundation (JCCF), a new affiliate foundation of the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque. Since 2014, the Anamosa Community Foundation, now operating as a fund within JCCF, has granted more than $10,000 to support Anamosa nonprofits and its board of directors is composed of the original eight couples who give gifts of time, talent and treasure for the benefit of their community.

 “We’ve supported many more projects than we ever imagined we could when we started this foundation,” says Board President Varlyn Fink.

The mission of the Anamosa Community Foundation Fund is to provide a source of financial aid for special needs in the Anamosa community, as identified by nonprofit organizations in Anamosa.

“Anamosa is a wonderful place to live and raise a family,” says Board Member Mary Ann Hamre. “The Anamosa Community Foundation is a way for us to give back to a community that has given us so much.”



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