CFGD Affiliate Foundations receive grants from Iowa Council of Foundations
Five affiliate foundations of the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque have received Idea Implementation Grants from the Iowa Council of Foundations (ICOF). Affiliate foundations in Clayton, Clinton, Delaware, Dubuque and Jones Counties were each awarded dollars for various projects to help strengthen their capacity to serve the residents of their respective regions:
Clayton County Foundation for the Future - $1,375
Strategic planning work with board members
River Bluff Community Foundation – $1,500
Professional advisor lunch and learn
Foundation for the Future of Delaware County - $1,500
Connecting and welcoming newcomers
Dyersville Area Community Foundation - $1,000
Great Give Day kickoff event for family funds[JD1]
Jones County Community Foundation - $1,500
Outreach to professional advisors
Each grant recipient sent two representatives to ICOF’s annual Connect Conference in September, which gives community foundations across the state a unique opportunity to learn from regional and national experts, as well as one another other, and develop plans to implement ideas locally.
The Idea Implementation Grant program was created to help attendees get a jump start on an idea inspired by the conference to enhance their foundation’s endowment building efforts.
“The Iowa Council of Foundations is a strong partner in equipping Iowa leaders with both ideas and funding to build strong philanthropic futures for their communities,” said MJ Smith, director of affiliate foundations [JD2] at the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque.