Charlie Becker:  A Lesson in Giving

“I started giving just $20 a week at 25. It doesn’t take a big pot of money to make a difference.”
– Charlie Becker

Growing up, Charlie Becker didn’t have much. 

“If it wasn’t for other people helping my family, I wouldn’t be where I am today,” says Charlie, executive director for Camp Courageous, a year-round recreational and respite care facility for people with special needs. “We had nothing and people had faith in me, and I think that’s why it’s important to give back.”

Although Charlie’s first love was teaching, he admits that his greatest lessons have been learned at camp. 

“So many things in life we take for granted,” he says. “You realize out here really quickly how fortunate you have it when you can see, hear, walk and talk.”

Since the age of 25, Charlie has been giving $20 a week to support Camp Courageous. When he learned he could support his community through the Jones County Community Foundation, it seemed like a natural fit for the camp and for his personal giving.  

“Whether or not you have a pot of money that you can give or you can give a little bit, it makes a difference,” says Charlie. “By giving through the Foundation, you have people who are investing these dollars wisely and helping it grow to benefit more and more people to support the greater good.”

In 2014, Charlie and his wife Patricia created a donor-advised fund at the Foundation to support their community.  

“It’s been a good investment for Pat and me,” says Charlie. “Long after I’m gone, my donations will continue to be doing good for a lot of people.” 

“The more a person gives, the more it comes back to them many times over,” he says. “I always like to say out here at Camp Courageous that we’re only limited by our imaginations and that’s true of Jones County and the Jones County Community Foundation. By supporting it, there’s no limit to what can happen.”

Learn more about donor-advised funds at  



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