Community Equity Profile 2023: Summary

Building a Dubuque region where everyone has access to resources and opportunities...
...requires a baseline understanding of its strengths and opportunities for improvement. How are diverse communities succeeding in our community? What challenges do they face? The Community Equity Profile is a way to measure what is and is not working for the people of Dubuque.
In August 2022, we set out to update Dubuque’s Equity Profile, which we first published in 2015. The reason for doing this was simple: Dubuque had changed dramatically.
The region’s population grew in number as well as in its racial, ethnic and cultural diversity. The most significant public emergency in generations — the COVID-19 pandemic — and national attention on issues of racial equity led leaders to seek greater understanding of how the lives of people from diverse backgrounds are shaped by systems like education, housing and health care.
The time had come for an Equity Profile that reflected life in Dubuque in 2022-23.
The first iteration of the Equity Profile led to numerous community initiatives aimed at dismantling barriers to resources, improving key health and well-being indicators, and generally helping build a Dubuque where all people can thrive.Our goal today is for local leaders to draw insights from this updated profile and use this knowledge to approach Dubuque’s challenges with the same thoughtfulness and eye toward equity as in past years.
We welcome you to take a journey through our Community Equity Profile.