Dyersville Area Community Foundation grants nearly $40,000 to local nonprofits

The Dyersville Area Community Foundation awarded 17 grants totaling nearly $40,000 to local nonprofits for community development, health and safety, and supporting youth and families through education and basic necessities.
Grants are supported by donations to the Community Foundation’s endowment fund.
The Foundation held an award celebration on Wednesday, October 20 at O’ So Good Winery in Dyersville with food provided by J&D Catering and Iowa Country Boards. The event was sponsored by Community Savings Bank, English Insurance, Fidelity Bank & Trust, Honkamp Krueger & Co., ITC, Maquoketa Valley Electric/MVlink, Midwest One Bank and Mediacom.
“We are here tonight to acknowledge the wonderful work our local nonprofits do to contribute to our neighborhoods. I think we can all agree that, especially in rural areas, our nonprofits are hugely important to our communities,” said Michelle Grover, the Foundation’s executive director. “We need our hospitals, libraries, schools and fire departments as well as all our nonprofits to be around for years to come. We want our children and grandchildren to experience the opportunities and benefits our nonprofits provide.”
Along with supporting nonprofits through grantmaking, the Foundation provides funding for the Dyersville Campaign for Grade-Level Reading and the work of its coordinator, Jessica Pape, to ensure area students continue to meet important benchmarks in reading, practice good school attendance, and have opportunities for summer learning.
The Foundation also made a $10,000 contribution to the Delaware County chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace, a nonprofit that provides handmade beds to children who do not have beds of their own.
This year’s grant recipients and their projects are:
Beckman Catholic — $1,700
Portable Automated External Defibrillators
Bi-County Ambulance — $2,500
Automated CPR Device
Boy Scouts of America – NE Council — $500
Community Outreach Supplies
City of Dyersville — $2,500
Wayfinding Signage
City of Farley — $500
Farley Library Needs Assessment
Creative Adventure Lab — $1,800
Dyersville Innovation Lab
Dyersville Area Chamber of Commerce — $925
Marketing Materials; LCD Projector
Dyersville Area Historical Society — $1,500
Paint the Porch – Dyer-Botsford House
Dyersville Community Commercial Club — $2,200
Pavilion Chairs
Farley EMS — $3,000
Zoll Series Defibrillator
Farley Fire Department — $581
Portable Scene Lighting
Hills & Dales Child Development — $829
AutismHD Program Safety Upgrades
James Kennedy Public Library — $2,376
Hybrid Gathering at Your Library
LaSalle Catholic School — $1,500
MercyOne Dubuque — $1,000
Senior Care Enrichment Activities
Seton Catholic — $170
Algebra Learning Resources
St. Paul Cemetery Association - $1,500
Cemetery Driveway
“We truly appreciate the donations made to the Dyersville Area Community Foundation endowment so we can continue to award grants to these great nonprofits that contribute so much to our neighborhoods,” said Grover. “Our community is full of passionate, generous people and organizations making a difference today and for the future. Understanding our shared challenges and working together to develop solutions is our most important work. I appreciate all those who are coming along with us on that journey.”
Gifts to the Community Foundation endowment may be eligible for the Endow Iowa 25% State Tax Credit. To make your impact on the Dyersville area, contact Michelle Grover at dacf@dbqfoundation.org or 319-269-6432.