Grant provides books for Jackson County’s youngest readers


Thanks to Jackson County volunteer Sarah Hogan, the Jackson County Campaign for Grade-Level Reading recently received a $2,500 grant to provide free books to local children.

The award will provide books to children at the monthly Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) nutrition clinic at Maquoketa First United Methodist Church for a full year. The grant also will supply books to continue the Campaign’s Well Child Exam Book project in four county medical clinics, where children receive a book during each of the nine scheduled Well Child Exams. These books are complemented by age-specific reading strategy fliers for parents.

Hogan, a volunteer at Maquoketa First United Methodist Church and member of Phi Kappa Phi, worked with Campaign Coordinator Joanne Evans to apply for Phi Kappa Phi’s literacy grant. Because of her membership with the organization, Hogan knew of the grant opportunity and was able to submit an application. 

“The Campaign has supported our church mission in the past, and I know Joanne from our shared interests. It seemed natural to partner,” says Hogan, a retired teacher who worked with Evans and volunteers with her for the local chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace. 

Phi Kappa Phi's Literacy Grant Program, established in 2003, is part of the Society's robust awards portfolio, which gives $1.3 million each year to outstanding students and members through study abroad grants, graduate fellowships, funding for post-baccalaureate development and member and chapter awards.

“I love that somebody from the community came and offered to write a grant for us,” says Evans. “Sarah has a vested interest, because her heart is in her church program and she’s supported local youth for a long time as an educator and a volunteer.”

The Campaign helps ensure more children succeed in school and are prepared for college, a career and active citizenship by focusing on key predictors of school success and graduation. Leveraging many partnerships, the program addresses three critical areas: summer learning, school readiness and attendance.

The Campaign is an initiative of the Community Foundation of Jackson County, which offers many opportunities to improve quality of life by addressing an array of local issues. To learn more about how you can establish a fund or make a gift that impacts your community, contact Lori Loch, executive director, at 563-588-2700 or email