Jim and Connie Clifton: Creating a fellowship of support

Jim Clifton was born in Earlville during the heart of the Great Depression. He credits his humble upbringing with making him aware of the needs of his community.

“We always realized the needs of other people,” says Jim. “We had strong feelings for those who were not blessed with financial rewards.”

Jim studied mortuary science in Chicago and then returned home to marry his wife Connie in the fall of 1961. “We’ve operated as a team ever since,” he says. “People just don’t say our names without the other one.”

After serving two years in the army, Jim took over his uncle’s Earlville funeral home business with Connie’s support.

Nearly 10 years ago, Jim and Connie’s work as leaders of the Maquoketa Dollars for Scholars Fund introduced them to the Foundation for the Future of Delaware County. Jim also partnered with the Foundation to establish the Fairview Cemetery Endowment to support the upkeep of the cemetery forever. So when a donor left a large bequest to their church in 2012, Jim and Connie knew that an endowment at the Community Foundation would be the best option to ensure that the funds would last and be used for the good of others.

“We knew right away that was where the dollars needed to go,” says Connie. “You can go through a million dollars in a hurry. If you’re just spending five, ten thousand here and there, we would have nothing left to give others. The endowment ensures we will have these earnings to share with those in need.”

Over just a few years, the Earlville United Parish Endowment has given back both locally and internationally. Nearly $15,000 has been granted to local families to cover cancer treatment costs. In addition, graduating parish seniors have received $1,000 scholarships to further their education, and several service projects in Haiti are underway.

“We have confidence in the Foundation,” says Jim. “We do feel that the Foundation is serving our needs and that this money will be protected in perpetuity and used as we intended—to be a blessing for the good of others.”



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