Jones County nonprofits earn $104,000 in grants

The Jones County Community Foundation announced $104,387 in grants to 17 local nonprofits during a celebration Tuesday at Camp Courageous. Board members also publicly welcomed new Executive Director Doug Edel and honored the work of outgoing Director Sherri Hunt. 

Hunt highlighted the Foundation’s efforts to remove barriers to success for Jones County youth through initiatives like Vision To Learn and Every Child Reads. Edel shared a list of the Foundation’s family of funds. “These funds show that people care about the communities they live in and believe in what our board is doing to benefit the county,” he said. 

Grants were awarded to nonprofits in the areas of economic well-being, quality of life, health, education, community improvement, tourism/recreation, history and conservation.

“This grant encourages us that we’re doing something right and we should continue with our efforts,” said Nancy Mulford, who accepted an award on behalf of Anamosa Lunches for Youth. The volunteer-driven effort provides a weekend food backpack program for 60 to 70 area children. 

The Foundation received more than $217,000 in requests for its 2021 grant cycle. The applicants awarded grants are:

  • Anamosa Lunches for Youth — Weekend Backpack Program
  • Area Youth Substance Abuse Council — Youth programming
  • Camp Courageous — Support for multipurpose, accessible athletic field
  • Cedar/Jones County Early Childhood Iowa — Dolly Parton Imagination Library
  • Eastern Iowa Horse & Pony Camp — Meal preparation tent for campers
  • Every Child Reads Jones County — Programming
  • Jones County Freedom Rock — Landscaping
  • Jones County Historical Society — Metal roof for depot
  • Jones Regional Medical Center Foundation — Radio booster to allow EMS communication from within the hospital
  • Little Lion Learning Center — New doors
  • Monticello Ministerial Association — Assistance with payment for counseling
  • Olin Food Pantry — Food
  • St. John’s Day Care Center — New playground equipment
  • Twin Rivers Pheasants Forever — Support of 160-acre addition to Hale Wildlife Area
  • Wregie Memorial Library — New computers

Grants are supported by Iowa’s County Endowment Fund Program. This initiative, unique to Iowa, makes grants to create a strong community foundation infrastructure in 84 counties like Jones that do not hold state-issued gaming licenses. The Jones County Community Foundation grants out 75% of these funds and invests the remaining 25% in a permanent endowment that generates interest to be distributed in future years.  

Gifts to endowment funds at the Community Foundation are eligible for the Endow Iowa 25% State Tax Credit. Community members can contribute to endowment funds established by nonprofits, which provide sustainable sources of income for these essential community service organizations.

For more information, visit or contact Foundation Coordinator Doug Edel at