Keith and Kathy Garms: Promoting an engaged and vibrant community

When Keith and Kathy Garms married 44 years ago, he was completing his military service and she was a new college graduate. As they began their life together in Iowa, a farm accident left Keith in a body cast for several months, starting him on a career path in 1974 that eventually led him to establish FreedomBank in 2006.  A year later, Keith led a group of individuals who made FreedomBank truly an employee-owned community bank.

Reflecting on nearly four decades together in Clayton County, Keith says, “This community has truly blessed us.” The couple raised their three sons in Elkader and have been advocates for their community. They have also volunteered and given back to organizations like the Elkader Opera House and Carter House Museum.

Keith was there when the Clayton County Foundation for the Future was just getting started. Now, more than a decade later, the Foundation is supporting Clayton County with more than $3.5 million in charitable funds. “We started out very small with fairly reasonable goals,” says Keith. “We have far exceeded those expectations.”

Today, the Garms support the Foundation with several funds: Keith and Kathy Garms Family Endowment, FreedomBank Endowment for NICC, Carter House Museum, Central Community Hospital, and the Abdelkader Education Project  Fund.

“Kathy and I support the Foundation because we know it is permanent and will continue to grow,” says Keith.

Kathy also worked with the Foundation to create the Abdelkader Education Project, a nonprofit organization that promotes cultural literacy, civility and respectful engagement through education and outreach worldwide.

“Everyone needs to follow their passion,” adds Kathy. “When people follow their hearts and put their time and talents to best use, the community becomes a better place to live, learn, and grow. Working together, everyone thrives.”


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