Volunteer leaders: Vicki Spellerberg


Foundation for the Future of Delaware County Chair

  • Hometown: Ankeny, IA
  • Education: University of Northern Iowa
  • Career: Retired teacher
  • Board member since: 2018


Tell us about yourself!

I moved to Delaware County in 1983 to teach business classes at Maquoketa Valley High School in Delhi. I retired in 2018 and my husband, Gary, retired from John Deere, Dubuque in 2020. We love to travel and just got back from a Rhine River Cruise in Europe. In 2023 we are looking forward to a trip to New Zealand and Australia. I enjoy biking, reading, and cooking and Gary is an avid golfer.


Why did you join the Foundation board?

I have always been involved in school-to-work programs and served as a community volunteer, so I thought the Foundation for the Future of Delaware County (FFDC) would be the perfect organization to get involved in. In 2022 I assumed the role of FFDC chair, which has been a new challenge for me.


What inspires you to keep serving?

Through our Covid-19 Relief Fund, we were amazed to see the many concerns and needs throughout Delaware County. We met weekly for over two years, raising money and giving out grants to nonprofits in need. Some of our projects included a pharmacy program, Kits for Kids, crisis intervention, the Second Helpings free meal program, hot spots for online learning for students, the food bank, the food pantry, Good Neighbor Society, Regional Medical Center, the Penn Center, our three local school districts, Delaware County Community Services, and many more.

My favorite project was collecting items for the Good Neighbor Home, the Penn Center, and the Edgewood Convalescent Home during Covid. Because family was not allowed to visit residents, the activity directors were looking for ways to engage the residents while keeping them in their rooms. We had a huge response, and we were able to provide many items to all three facilities. 

In addition, each year we award grants to local nonprofits, including $89,400.60 in 2022. We also support 52 Delaware County endowment funds and recently sponsored Great Give Day, which raised an additional $13,512 for these Delaware County endowments.