Memorials honoring Brad Manuel support Jones County Community Foundation for generations to come

Married for 37 years, Brad and Patty Manuel grew up in Jones County and raised their two children here. They built strong connections in Anamosa, Olin, and Oxford Junction through work, church, and school. Patty has served on the board of the Jones County Community Foundation for 10 years.

That connection to the area is why they decided to give back to the community. Inspired by the Community Foundation’s 17-year history of building a strong Jones County through local generosity, partnerships and strategic grants, the Manuels decided to direct memorials to the Community Foundation when husband, father and grandfather Brad Manuel died in 2019. 

“It’s been extremely rewarding to watch the number and variety of both endowment funds and community initiatives grow,” says Patty. “The Foundation has proven their expertise, and I am comfortable knowing any donations our family has made, or will make in the future, will continue to give back to Jones County forever.”

Memorial Funds

“During Brad’s illness we talked about donations we could make with memorial funds. I loved the idea of giving to the Jones County Community Foundation as an opportunity to help multiple organizations long into the future. Brad had always appreciated the efforts of the Jones County Soil and Water Conservation District, which has an endowment with the Community Foundation, so we chose to direct memorials to the Foundation for both,” says Patty. 

Their children, raised to volunteer and support causes that are important to them, were on board with the decision — and their daughter, a financial advisor, saw the added bonus of valuable tax savings for gifts to endowments. “It worked out well for our family and our county,” says Patty. 

Transfer of Wealth

After joining the Foundation board, Patty learned about the concept of “transfer of wealth.” 

Between 2020 and 2029, $618 million will pass from one generation to the next through probate estates. That number is expected to grow to $3.3 billion by 2050. If just 5% of that projected transfer could be invested at the Foundation, $165 million would be endowed, resulting in an estimated $7 million available annually to improve local quality of life and provide a secure future for Jones County. 

Patty’s greatest hope is that every Jones County resident with philanthropic desires will consider what a gift to the Foundation would do for Jones County, today and long into the future. 

“I’ve learned you don’t need to wait until a loved one passes away. You can make a donation today and trust that the Foundation will take care of many tomorrows,” Patty says.