Monona Butterfly Garden and Trail receive community endowment

This article was originally published in the Outlook on April 4, 2016 

It’s hard to believe, a volunteer community garden project started as part of Earth Year 2000, is still going and growing. As part of the 15th anniversary of the Monona Butterfly Gardens and Trail, the committee of volunteers that have been caring for it decided to create an endowment to make sure that there would be a continuing funding source for some of the operations and maintenance.  It was fully funded by January 2015 which meant this year, 2016, the committee would reap it first benefits.  This first check of $470 from the Monona Butterfly Gardens and Trail Endowment was written by the Clayton County Foundation for the Future.  It will be used to purchase perennials plants to replace some that have died, to replace memorial plants that have just not worked in the areas they were planted and fill in other areas.  These perennial plants will help decrease the volunteer time needed to maintain the gardens as well as provide blooming flowers throughout the season.  The remainder will be used maintain benches, tables, gazebos and bridges and as matching funds for grants awarded to the committee.

The endowment is a community charitable fund which anyone can make a donation to helping local organizations build a more secure financial future.  This endowment is one of many that are administered by the Clayton County Foundation for the Future (CCFF).  The monies on these endowments is invested and has been paying out 5% annually to participation nonprofit organizations.  Any earnings generated over the 5% is reinvested.  This year, the CCFF has paid out $115,940 to Clayton County nonprofit organizations.  It is a real way for local people to make sure the local organizations and groups they feel are important have a way to generate their own income.

People interested in making a donation to the Monona Butterfly Gardens and Trail Endowment can contact the Jim Langhus (, Monona City Hall (563-539-2355) or contact MJ Smith, the CCFF coordinator,