Russell and Juanita Loven: Bringing New Life to Guttenberg

“We did struggle, but we are fortunate to be able to give back.”
– Russell Loven

When Russell Loven moved to Guttenberg in 1995 to become superintendent of schools, he and his wife Juanita instantly fell in love with the small river town.  

“We’ve always loved the beauty of Guttenberg,” he says. “It’s a natural place to do business, live, grow and work.”

Russell’s love for his community led him to become mayor in 2011. His wife Juanita worked to establish Umbrella Arts, an area organization that seeks to increase collaboration among area arts organizations and enhance the cultural vibrancy of Guttenberg.  

“It’s nice to help make something happen that you believe in,” says Juanita.

Russell and Juanita credit their giving spirit to their humble beginnings. When Russell was finishing school with help from the G.I. Bill, he worked a rural paper route and several part-time jobs to keep food on the table for their soon-to-be three children before his first teaching job.

“We lived week to week, so I feel for people who are really struggling today,” says Russell. “We did struggle, but we are now fortunate to be able to give back.” 

Today, the Lovens support the Foundation with several funds: Russell and Juanita Loven Endowment, Russell and Juanita Loven Non-Endowed Fund, and the Loven Endowment for Northeast Iowa Community College.

Russell notes there are strong advantages to establishing an endowed fund through the Foundation, such as the Endow Iowa 25% State Tax Credit. Endow Iowa is a financial incentive for individual donors, families and businesses to create or build endowments to give back to their community. For some donors, the actual cost of the gift is only 40 cents on the dollar.

“We understand where a lot of people are at and we like to give back now in ways that will do the most good,” Russell says.

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