Volunteer Leaders: Janet Martin

Board President, Jones County Community Foundation

  • Education: ISU and University of Iowa
  • Career: 4-H Specialist, ISU Extension and Outreach for 40+ years
  • Board member since: 2016


Tell us about yourself!

I grew up in central Iowa and live near Monticello with my husband, Robert Ballou. We have two children: Seth with Ohnward Bank in Monticello and Sara with General Mills in Minneapolis.


When and why did you start serving the Foundation board? 

My friend David Gilchrist encouraged me to join the board. I appreciate learning about Jones County ­– the needs, concerns, successes, and challenges.


What inspires you to keep serving? 

The Community Foundation Board is a dedicated, conscientious group of Jones County citizens who care about meeting the needs of the county and work to provide funding and resources for today and the future.

 The most impactful grant we’ve made during my time on the board is the support of the Jones County Grade Level Reading/Every Child Reads initiative; a creative, educational approach to encourage reading for children