Womens Giving Circle to award nearly $17,000 at June 24 grant celebration
The Women’s Giving Circle, an initiative of the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque, is granting nearly $17,000 to organizations that improve the lives of women and children in Dubuque, addressing issues like health, self-sufficiency, and education. The Giving Circle will present awards during its annual Gifts and Grants celebration on Thursday, June 24 at 5:30 p.m. at the Dubuque Arboretum & Botanical Gardens.
The community is welcome to attend the event alongside Women’s Giving Circle members and nonprofit leaders to celebrate grantees as well as to learn more about the group and how to make a difference in our region. Tickets are $35. RSVP by June 20.
The Women’s Giving Circle brings together women from all walks of life to learn about community needs and to build the Circle’s endowment fund. Payouts from this fund provide a sustainable source of grant funding to support local nonprofits serving women and children in our community.
Organizations receiving grants at the ceremony include:
- Dubuque Visiting Nurse Association: $1,425 for a maternal health program
- YWCA Clinton: $5,000 to support people in overcoming barriers to self-sufficiency
- Red Basket Project: $3,030 for addressing period poverty one month at a time
- Cedar Valley Friends of the Family: $3,000 to support human trafficking survivor services
- St. Mark Youth Enrichment: $1,200 for the Apples for Students school supplies initiative
- Almost Home Dubuque: $1,647 for shoes for restaurant crews
- Dubuque Dream Center: $1,500 for girls’ programming support
For more information, contact Faye Finnegan at faye@dbqfoundation.org or 563-588-2700.