Cultural Events


Cultural activities are not often discussed in relation to providing services. Art and culture can be useful mechanisms for facilitating service provision, in addition to being an important part of long-term relationship building that leads to greater connectivity. Celebrating immigrant culture through artwork, performances, festivals, and other mediums helps build appreciation and understanding and creates a more welcoming and inclusive environment.

Facilitating more cultural events also meets a need that is frequently expressed by immigrant communities in the region. Many older individuals and parents are concerned about preserving and passing down their culture to future generations. For example, during focus groups with Marshallese community members, many people expressed concern that Marshallese children were becoming less connected with their island culture and language. Immigrant respondents also frequently expressed a desire to share cultural traditions with the larger population in the region. Community members also expressed a desire to have support from the larger community in meeting these two goals.


To read a discussion of potential recommendations for supporting cultural events, click here.

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For a discussion of how local organization can improve outreach, click here.

To read about the value of immigrant navigators, click here.

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Here for you. Alex Baum Director of Advocacy, Data and Learning 563-588-2700